The company has an established presence in South, which will be expanded further in the south region. Company planning to enter Chennai after Hyderabad. Besides this its has many advantages like near to debt-free company, strong and experienced management, strong positioned for amusement parks, robust financial performance, in-house manufacturing facility, etc. At the price band of Rs.115-125, the company is quoted at 14.38x and 15.63x on its FY13 EPS of Rs.8.00.
I, Jimit Zaveri recommend investors to “SUBSCRIBE” the Wonderla Holidays Ltd IPO considering it’s strong and experienced management, strong positioned for amusement parks, robust financial performance, in-house manufacturing facility at Wonderla Kochi and long term gorwth opportunity in the amusement parks industries on the back of spending for leisure activities and for amusement parks by people in India.