Warren Buffett’s Letter 2004
Mr.Buffett has explained why many of the investors do not able to create wealth by investing into the equities.
When we trade extensively then we incurred an additional cost which reduces our return. Also, many of us follow tips of others and rely on others which also reduces investment return. Many of people start investing when market continuously moving into upward direction with the fear of losing an opportunity to earn and get exit from the market when the market starts moving downward with the fear of losing investment. Rather we should increase our investment when the market is continuously moving downward.
Mr.Buffett has been explained that one of the ways to survive into the commodity-like business is to become a low-cost producer. Commodity business generally does not have pricing power and prices of a particular commodity are decided based on the demand & supply of a particular commodity so that they have to focus on the costs.
Warren Buffett’s Letter 2005
Investment + Cash per share at Berkshire Hathaway –
Per share value of non-insurance business –
During January – 2006, the price of a share of Berkshire Hathway – A was traded at $90,000.
Mr.Buffett’s thought on Moat –
The strong moat can result in a strong flow of float. If the company having a moat then the company has the ability to raise prices, getting the float, higher return ratios, raising market shares, etc.
Indian Companies Examples
One of the two-wheelers and commercial vehicle manufacturing company of India

One of the four-wheeler manufacturing company of India
We can see that float is also getting compound over a period of time which benefits to the company to survive for the long-term and to create wealth.
Why investors are not able to make money through the company can earn well –
Warren Buffett’s Letter 2006
Warren Buffett answer for his currency derivatives position –
We need to focus on avoiding mistakes which can spoil out our wealth. If we focus on avoiding mistakes then half of the battle, we won.
Mr.Buffett on Walter Schloss –
Mr.Buffett on people who clone others’ portfolio –
Mr.Walter Schloss is one of the investors who have an influence on my investment decisions. I keep his advice always with me. (Published at Safal Niveshak –