The third part of Series “Once a darling, now an evil”. This series is based on the companies which were once upon a time darling of the market and now, it has wiped out the majority of all those gains. I am trying to put some of the number-crunching facts by which we have identified ongoing issues in the companies and have saved our wealth.
I am starting this part with one of the company which is engaged in providing Services Incidental to Onshore Oil Extraction which has an all-time high price of ~Rs.347 in 2008, ~Rs.308 in 2011 and now last traded price at Rs.0.42.
the company having huge sales and profit growth. Might be having something like a turnaround case or some Capex has started giving result.
But as usual, I get suspected on everything so as per habit I go deeper.
Wow…. What a wonderful company!!!
Company has taken a borrowing but does not have to pay any interest on it. I like it, I also get such a loan then can achieve many things with it. ?
Another point is, the company also need not pay any taxes. Wow… no interest and no tax.
Huge diversion between CFO and PAT but yes, positive and when looking at the FCF then its huge negative.
Now, more feather to add into it… need to compare consolidated and standalone balance sheet.

Here, when we see that company get ~Rs.800+ cr of cash in FY10 but that cash has gone out in FY11. So, where these much of cash gone? When we check the standalone balance sheet then that cash has gone as an investment.
If we look at the few of the items of the balance sheet then we realize that the company has given a huge loan and advances to the related parties. Also, huge other receivable, what meant by others?
If we go and check a list of subsidiaries and few data then we can come to know that three subsidiaries out of five doing well but those three subsidiaries do not get a good amount of capital compared with the first subsidiary which is operated in Mauritius. This subsidiary does not have any turnover, not make any investment into the assets then why need such huge capital?
Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation.