It may be possible that we might not be good at academic studies but it does not mean that we cannot do good in our later life. We all have different skillsets which help us to grow.
Sometimes the fun of ourselves can push us towards success. Money does not stay with us if we do not have trust in ourselves. Let people say anything about us but what we thought about ourselves is always matters. Our thoughts become a reality. We have to face our self-doubt, personal criticism to achieve success. There is a saying in Hindi – “Sabse bada rog, kya kahege log.”
The reward from the journey is not only the freedom that money buys but the trust we gain in ourselves. Taking action is to start believing in ourselves that is what one thing, we can do for ourselves. Believing in ourselves can bring high confidence as well as give us the courage to enter the untapped area and accept a challenge to grow well.
Read for more detail: Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom