The second part of Series “Current temptation, future frustration“. This series is based on the companies which are currently darling of the market and many trying to catch such opportunities but it has a probability to become a reason for future frustration. It can wipe out the majority of gains in wealth. I am trying to put some of the number-crunching facts by which we can identify ongoing issues in the companies and can save our wealth.

I am starting this series with one of the company which is engaged in manufacturers of Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) in India, has a 52 weeks low price of Rs.16 and LTP is Rs.48.15. This company has rewarded ~3.01x of return in a year.

Let’s start looking at the numbers.

We can see that the company has a declining trend of revenue, operating & PAT level also incurring losses. But the company has delivered a good return in a year so it might be possible that the company has a strong balance sheet.

When we look at the balance sheet then I got shocked. The company has trade payable, inventories and receivables are higher than sales. Also, the company is getting higher advances from its customer which is again higher than sales so that the company should have a monopoly and everyone wants its products only. But then why revenue keeps on declining?

Cash conversion cycle of the company is of 497 days in FY20 means its take almost 1+ years to convert to cash. Even the company has receivables, inventories and payables as a % of sales are 174%, 131% and 139% respectively.

When I have looked at the related party transaction then Rs.450 cr of sales in FY20 and Rs.648 cr of sales in FY19 done through related parties which are 59% of sales in FY20 and 45% in FY19.

Another part, when we look at the advances from customers then all are from related parties only. This trick is used by the company to show slightly better CFO. Also, receivable from related parties is 20.49% of total receivables in FY20 and 18.40% in FY19. And if we look at the receivable as a % of sales to related parties then it is 60.16% in FY20 and 46.31% in FY19. Now, I am curious that related parties have ~Rs.1100 cr of the fund to give as an advance but do not have Rs.270 cr to pay for receivables.

When we look at the exposure of the company to related parties then it is worth of Rs.865.46 cr in FY20 and Rs.708.10 cr in FY19 which is 16.35% in FY20 and 14.94% in FY19 of total balance sheet size. These related parties are making losses.

The company has Cumulative CFO < Cumulative PAT which shows difficulties to convert PAT into Cash Profit. Also, CFO is artificially boosting through advances from customers which is from the related parties.

This entire series is based on past available data and ignored the future development in companies and the stock market always looks at the future.

Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation.

This series contains learning from books –

Financial Shenanigans

Quality of Earnings

The Financial Numbers Game

Creative Cash Flow Reporting

01 – Current temptation, future frustration

I have started with series Once a darling, now an evil is based on the companies which were once upon a time darling of the market and now, it has wiped out the majority of all those gains. This series has received lots of love and recognition. Majority of readers of the series has demanded current darling which can have the potential to become evil. I cannot refuse the request of all loyal readers who keeps on encouraging me.  So, on an auspicious day, I am going to start with this new series with all your love and wishes. I am trying to put some of the number-crunching facts by which we can identify ongoing issues in the companies and can save our wealth. I wish this series “Current temptation, Future frustration” also receive all your love and recognition.

I am starting this series with one of the company which is engaged in the business of high-end speciality chemicals, has a 52 weeks low price of Rs.0.95 and LTP is Rs.9.90. This company has rewarded ~10.42x of return in a year.

This company at least earns revenue. ? But revenue not growing and even going down year-on-year. Let’s look further because at the lowest price the company traded at Mcap/sales of ~0.15x.

It’s not time to get happy by just looking at the revenue. When we look at the balance sheet then we noticed that the company has higher receivables and inventories.

Receivable and inventory as a % of sales continuously growing with stable payable which will worsen cash flow from operating activities of the company.

Wow…. Let’s drive Volvo and Jaguar with the money of shareholders (the majority of shareholders are very busy and does not have time to look at this).

Advances to suppliers but still confirmation is pending (who will read it and check it, let’s play the game). 

Similar to the receivable’s products got sold but they are receivable or not they need to confirm. Wow….

There are lots of related party transactions which can create doubt.

Promoters of the company also reducing stake from the company.

This entire series is based on past available data and ignored the future development in companies and the stock market always looks at the future.

Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation.


Cycles in economies, companies, and markets

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If we follow above points mentioned by Mr.Howard Marks then definitely we can take advantage of market cycle and able to generate above-average return.


The above link will help to understand how good news flows and media get crazy with higher index targets. In the above link I have compared 2017 with 2007 and given indication in 2017 for the upcoming bubble.

Nifty 12000 – Here, we can see that the media start celebrating when the market has approached new high. Such acts motivate to retail investors and that will lead to more market participation.

We can get an indication of the market bubble when we observe our surroundings.

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Investors try to predict bottom and still in the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). I am getting calls from many of people who are unaware with market, own little knowledge of market but tend to predict stock moments. They approach me with catching bottom, ask for advice (not actually, they want to get confirm with me) that they should invest right now otherwise they will miss out current opportunity.

People are involved in any of the decision-making processes whether it is in the economy, investing world, or anything else. So those human emotions also getting involved in the process. This resulted in more euphoric behavior at the wrong time and more desperate behavior at the wrong time by people. That will have resulted in the cycle. If the machine involves in the economy then it will not have a cyclical move.

The market has never moved in a straight line in the past and never will be in the future. So that we need to understand the cycle and need to take benefits from it. People think that excess bull or bear remains but that excess behaviour has to correct and that will have resulted in the cycle.

We can keep journal for events happens to our surrounding, major corporate deals, the behavior of people with us knowing that we are an investment professional, hot sectors which attracting major participation, junk starts flying, innovation in valuation matrix, etc. We cannot predict when the bubble will burst, but we can save ourselves from getting burst during bubble takes a journey towards burst. When we initially prepare ourselves for the upcoming bubble – burst then it will be going to happen that others will consider us a fool but we should accept being a fool rather than face huge damage to our wealth.


Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation. 

Read for more detail: Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the odds on your side by Mr.Howard Marks