Cycles in economies, companies, and markets

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If we follow above points mentioned by Mr.Howard Marks then definitely we can take advantage of market cycle and able to generate above-average return.


The above link will help to understand how good news flows and media get crazy with higher index targets. In the above link I have compared 2017 with 2007 and given indication in 2017 for the upcoming bubble.

Nifty 12000 – Here, we can see that the media start celebrating when the market has approached new high. Such acts motivate to retail investors and that will lead to more market participation.

We can get an indication of the market bubble when we observe our surroundings.

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Investors try to predict bottom and still in the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). I am getting calls from many of people who are unaware with market, own little knowledge of market but tend to predict stock moments. They approach me with catching bottom, ask for advice (not actually, they want to get confirm with me) that they should invest right now otherwise they will miss out current opportunity.

People are involved in any of the decision-making processes whether it is in the economy, investing world, or anything else. So those human emotions also getting involved in the process. This resulted in more euphoric behavior at the wrong time and more desperate behavior at the wrong time by people. That will have resulted in the cycle. If the machine involves in the economy then it will not have a cyclical move.

The market has never moved in a straight line in the past and never will be in the future. So that we need to understand the cycle and need to take benefits from it. People think that excess bull or bear remains but that excess behaviour has to correct and that will have resulted in the cycle.

We can keep journal for events happens to our surrounding, major corporate deals, the behavior of people with us knowing that we are an investment professional, hot sectors which attracting major participation, junk starts flying, innovation in valuation matrix, etc. We cannot predict when the bubble will burst, but we can save ourselves from getting burst during bubble takes a journey towards burst. When we initially prepare ourselves for the upcoming bubble – burst then it will be going to happen that others will consider us a fool but we should accept being a fool rather than face huge damage to our wealth.


Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation. 

Read for more detail: Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the odds on your side by Mr.Howard Marks

Checklist about market cycle – 13 -MASTERING THE MARKET CYCLE

We cannot predict the future and cannot see the future so that can we prepare for the future? How can we be positioning our investments? Answers to these questions lie in the understanding of the cycle and at where we stand at the current cycle.

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It’s not always what we buy that matters but at what price we are buying that matters a lot.

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These checklists help us to an understanding regarding cycle and where we stand at the cycle. That understanding helps us with what we should do and what can be the portfolio positioning. These checklists also help us to remove some mistakes such as buying little when risk is low so that capital allocation decision also can be improved. The capital allocation also one of the key elements to becoming a successful investor.

We all see the everyday events which were covered by the media but we also need to put effort to understand that what it is going to indicate to us. These efforts help a lot to us. I got saved in recent market turmoil due to understanding of the cycle which I have practised after reading “The Most Important Things”.

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I want to quote my learning from the most important things here to explain this concept with a few additions.

The earlier scene in the year 2017-18

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The current scenario in the year 2019-20

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We need to focus on the current scenario what it is indicating to us, not to worry about the future. If the current scenario tells us to stay away and we are into the third phase of the bull market then we need to adjust our portfolio accordingly. And if the current scenario suggests the third phase of the bear market then we need to adjust our portfolio positioning accordingly. We cannot track each and every information flowing around the world but we need to understand which of them are important and help us to reach the conclusion.

When market and psychology of the investors flying then do not care for the valuations. People argue that old valuation techniques do not work in the current period. Another argument is that we should look at the business, not stock so that valuation does not matter. But what happens to this logic when bear take a charge?

Old technique again starts taking place. Higher P/E looks as an unhygienic for the health of the portfolio and low P/E tempted to the investors.

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We can see that during the bull period even non-qualitative companies also traded at the multiple of quality companies.

There are qualitative and quantitative two phenomena which we can study to understand where we stand in the cycle. We always need to ask the question to ourselves how the assets priced and how the investors around us behave? That means the quantitative part refers to the valuation of the assets. And qualitative part refers to the behaviour of investors around us & understand it.

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Example – one of the E-Commerce company of India


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When the market is booming, the psychology of investors is positive, economy growing, people are eager to make an investment then low-quality securities also getting issued by providing a better rating.

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We have to be contrarian, have to learn to go against the wind prevailing in the market.

When market falling, people tend to stay away from it. They argue that keep away from catching a falling knife. But when dust gets settled and we realize that the final bottom has made, a bargain will also be gone.

There is no way to know when and at what price exact bottom has made. We come to know about the bottom only after it has made.

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We should avoid buying with leverage money because when pendulum moves towards extreme pessimism then we cannot able to know where it will stop and we get a margin call, due to the leverage. We get a disastrous outcome of such an act.

John Maynard Keynes is reputed to have said: “The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”

When the economy is in a troublesome period and investors psychology also negative then only, we get a good asset at a bargain price.

We have a two-risk scenario – one is a risk of losing money and the other one is a risk of missing out an opportunity. Investors have to make a balance between the risk. When market moving higher in the cycle, we have to focus more on the risk of losing money and when market-moving lower in the cycle, we have to focus on the risk of losing the opportunity. When there is a high chance of losing money then we have to play defensively and when there is a chance of missing out an opportunity then we need to play aggressively.

The cycle is going to happen and how we respond to it is the key matter. Successful investors are those who have survived under the different market cycle and that cycle makes them more thoughtful.

Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation. 

Read for more detail: Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the odds on your side by Mr.Howard Marks


We have seen the financial cycle in the post of the credit cycle. Similarly, Real Estate also follows the same cycle as all the financial cycles follow, except one that real estate having a higher lead time to development takes place. Generally, real estate projects take a huge time to get constructed to get commercializes.

When the economy is bad at that time credit will be unavailable for the construction work and when time is a good credit will available easily. This impact on the real estate cycle. Better economic time causes an increase in demand and bad economic conditions led to a fall in the demand. Due to the higher lead time, supply & demand mismatch takes place which causes the rise in the rent and the sale price.

When projects got halted due to the credit unavailability then these situations invite a bust in the Segment. That will cause a fall in the price of buildings. Investors can get land less than what developers have invested in. Also, here, lead time reduces as approval got finalised in good time. It hurts to the projects of which construction started in the boom period.

When there is a demand for home and financing options available, builders decide to build a home and all builders decide the same which creates a surplus of home. Also, due to long lead time, demand gets soften then builders left out with the inventories which he has to sell at lower than the expected value. But the reverse of it, when the economy is slow, availability of finance is low and pile-ups of unsold inventories so that builders stop building a new home. This helps to slowly getting sold out of inventories. Now, when the economy revives again, at that time supply will be lower than the demand which brings prices to the upper level. So that building a home during the slowdown is a better way to reap profits.

People tending that real estate investment beat the inflation (same for common stocks) but we need to understand that if the price which we pay are too high then it will not beat inflation and in result, it will beat us.

Real estate

If we have bought real estate during a high price growth then we have to wait a little more while price growth has been slowing and many of the area it has been degrowth. So that not all price purchased of real estate result into the wealth creation.

Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation. 

Read for more detail: Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the odds on your side by Mr.Howard Marks


Mr Marks has mentioned that he has focused on the distress debt companies where he selects the company which is operationally well but having a debt-laden balance sheet. Means company has to work on reducing debt which will bring value creation for shareholders.


So that we have to analyze thoroughly to identify the value of the company and at the end of resolution what we rewarded. If after resolution amount worth higher than the currently available debt securities price then we should buy those securities. This is difficult to play in India but we can play such where a business does not have a much problem but due to some problems the company has brought debt. When the company started paying debt, we can look into it. One of the air-cooler company has a track record of success in such a strategy.

Example of failure of this strategy in India – One of the Jewelry company in India


If we see the above balance sheet then we can see that inventories of the company were higher than debt. If the company liquidate its entire inventories and pay the debt then also the company remains with excess cash. And company available below that value.

As we have seen in the credit cycle that when credit is easily available then everyone goes for it with the compromise on the standard. But when the economy starts to contract at that time, credit availability becomes tough so that debt-laden companies cannot able to refinance their existing debt. This incident brings them at the event of bankruptcy and that hurt the psychology of investors. Selling of the debt securities starts and prices falls as everyone starts avoiding it.


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Disclosure – Companies mentioned in the article are just for an example & educational purpose. It is not a buy/sell/ hold recommendation. 

Read for more detail: Mastering The Market Cycle: Getting the odds on your side by Mr.Howard Marks