If we see some tempting offer then we must have to be suspicious. There is no free lunch available.

We have to analyze various aspects before making any investment. We may make mistakes and mistakes are essential to learning about and correcting them for better growth.
People make an investment with emotion rather than with mind which led to losing money by a majority of people. At last, they become a dreamer, speculator, or broke down. When someone told us about a good deal and earning good in the future then our emotional bias comes into the picture and become greedy as well. This emotion stops us from making wise decisions.
If we want to be successful in the B and I quadrant then we have to train our mind that we can observe what others used to ignore. We can start by getting more about financial literacy. Our ability to create more money will bring more money for us. This education helps us with taking proper steps and investing becomes less risky for us. Education will help us to differentiate between good and bad advice.
Also, when we know about investing, we or our advisors choose to provide us higher yield with a less risky avenue.
We need to understand that when we buy any property on a mortgage then that’s not our assets rather than its and assets of a bank. It will fall under the liability side of the balance sheet. When we fail to make payment on time, the bank will take over that property from us. Taking debt is not always bad but if we take personal debt then it must be small. And if we go for a huge dent then someone working for paying it. That’s means business debt.
As we have learned in the series of rich dad poor dad that we consider assets to only be those properties that generate a cash inflow to us. All other properties are considered as our liabilities.
Now, comes to savings and deposits then yes those are not taking any cash flow out from us so that is our first level of assets.
Many of us spending our life on the opinion of others rather to focus on the fact. We should only trust facts nothing else.
When it comes to money, most people are either lazy or searching for shortcuts, so they don’t do enough due diligence. And there are still others who are so afraid of making mistakes that all they do is due diligence and then do nothing. Too much due diligence is also called ‘analysis paralysis.’ The majority cannot become financially free because they live in debt till die. So, this will not bring freedom for them.
Read for more detail: Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom
I am grateful to Mr.Meihol Jhaveri (Founder of Gatisofttech) for the development of the Lucky Idiot website.