Do we work hard and make other people rich? Or working for achieving your dreams? We are programmed in such a way that willingly or unwillingly; we are stuck with such a situation. When we make other people rich, we consider ourselves safe. When we consider ourselves safe ourself then we fall into the trap of our comfort zone, which makes us helpless to work for others’ dreams. We forget to pursue our dream.

Action plan
- Fill your financial statement
Before we proceed, we must have to know that where we stand. And to know our status, we have to write down all income and expenses which helps us to see a clear picture.
- Set financial goals
Without setting up goals, we cannot achieve what we want. So that we need to set five years, one-year goals to achieve financial freedom. Few examples and formats are given by the author.
Few examples and formats are given by the author

We need to be genuine with ourselves for filling our financial statement then only we can reach where we want to be. For better guidance, we should keep an auditor – a person who has achieved in real what we want to achieve. A mentor, who helps us to achieve our dreams, guides us to walk on a bumpy road.
When we start walking on this road, we faced lots of obstacles. And for overcoming those, we need a guide who is stronger enough to hold our hand to cross it.
Read for more detail: Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom